
Troops to Teachers


What is Troops to Teachers?

To use the organization’s own words, Troops to Teachers is “a U.S. Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.”

Craig Gilman, a former U.S. Marine currently serving as an education coordinator and online adjunct faculty member with American Military University (AMU), spoke to In Military Education about Troops to Teachers. If you’re interested in learning more about the program, listen to J. Mason’s conversation with Craig, and then see AMU’s Troops to Teachers page.

Troops to Teachers is still creating positive results. In The Trentonian, Steve Chernoski writes this week about Joyce Kilmer Middle School in Trenton, New Jersey and how two of its finest faculty worked their way through the Troops to Teachers program at a time when good teachers are needed as much as ever.