
new year


By Adrienne Erin
Online Career Tips, Contributor

Get ready for the post-holiday hiring rush! If it’s that time of year for you to start fresh then make sure you’re going about the interview process the right way. If you’re looking to gently remind an employer that you are the perfect candidate after an interview, there are some right and wrong ways to do so. Here are some tips for following up with an employer after an interview, without driving anyone (including yourself) crazy.

By Cathy Francois
Contributor, Career Services

Perhaps you are in a position for which you once had passion, but the sparks have died down and you find yourself just going through the motions. Maybe you hate your job and pray for snow days and flash flooding all so you don’t have to show up. (If this is you, it is time to develop an exit strategy). In the spirit of self-reflection, here are some questions to ask yourself as you continue to plan for the year ahead.