
behavioral neuroscience


By Nora E. Reed
In Military Education, Special Student Contributor

Psychology. The fabulously interesting study of human behavior. It all sounds so fascinating, right? Finding out why people think and feel the way they do, why some people get angry at the drop of a hat, and the ongoing debate of nature vs. nurture. I switched my major halfway through college due to taking abnormal psychology and falling in love with it.

I remember watching a video on DID (dissociative identity disorder) and deciding that I wanted nothing more than to integrate personalities together and help a person become whole again. I think I was a little ambitious to say the least, but to be honest, I never liked science growing up. I remember being in high school and being completely un-interested in biology and chemistry, so when I found out psychology is a science, my views on the scientific world changed. When I changed my major and started taking psychology related courses, I realized a few things.